Name Index
Leslie Northup was the (3rd) child born to Gary and Fae Northup
Leslie's children from first husband, Darrell Bennett:
Jana Bennett 9-23-76 (Grandbaby-Mackenzie 1996)
Aaron Bennett 4-11-78 (Grandbaby Kaylee Fae Bennett 10-28-98)
Mathew Bennett 11-14-79
Geoffry Bennett 5-1-86
Katie Bennett 3-24-88
Leslie's children from second husband, Steve Spicknall:
Dustin Spicknall 10-12-94
Leslie Spicknall's page is under Construction. Check back frequently for changes.
Leslie (Northup) Spicknall Family
Children of Darrell and Leslie Bennett
Children of Steve and Leslie Spicknall
Dustin Spicknall |
B. 10-12-94 |
E-mail Leslie